Master’s in Neuroeducation: Practical Applications in the Classroom

Cátedra de Educación Dr. Fermín Carrillo


Want to know more about the Master’s in Neuroeducation: Practical Applications in the Classroom?
Duration: 12 months

Master's Programme Presentation

The Master’s in Neuroeducation: Practical Applications in the Classroom begins with an exploration of the cognitive essence of the human brain concerning learning abilities and concepts. It then moves on to study the learning process at each developmental stage. Consequently, students gain a deep understanding of the neurofunctional profile required for learning. Next, the course explores which brain areas play a prominent role in this cognitive process and their relationship to academic performance. The final part of the Master’s focuses on learning how to address, from the perspective of educational neuroscience, the diverse needs of all students within educational institutions.

Qualification obtained.

The Master’s in Neuroeducation: Practical Applications in the Classroom awards the iRG proprietary title, endorsed by the prestige of the institution itself.  

Proprietary Title

  • Focused on specialization
  • Complete your professional profile
  • Practical training

Teaching Staff

Dr. Fermín Carrillo and his team have brought together a group of highly regarded professionals, with over 10 years of active experience in the field they specialize in, ready to train and guide students towards professional success.

“Our chair is committed to inspiring education professionals, creating a positive and lasting impact on the lives of those who participate in it.”

Academic Director

Psychologist Ginette Muñoz has over 15 years of experience in child, adolescent, adult, and family psychology, as well as more than 10 years of experience in postgraduate training at universities and high-level training centers.

“I encourage you to participate in this training project where you will find a carefully selected and highly prepared teaching team ready to provide you with the tools you will need to apply in your professional reality.”

iRG's Methodology for Success

Block I: Educational Neuroscience for Education: Current Perspective on the Teaching-Learning Process

1. Fundamentals of Neuroscience Applied to Education: Discussing Educational Neuroscience.4
2. Cognitive Development and Learning: We Grow by Learning.4
3. The Learning Process for Neuroeducation.4
4. Neurodevelopment of Learning: How We Learn According to Our Age.4

Block II: Neurofunctionality and Learning: Understanding the Brain that Learns.

5. Executive Functions as Generators of Learning.4
6. Neuroplasticity: The Power of the Human Brain’s Adaptation.4
7. Affective Neuroscience: Neurocognitive Bases of Emotions and Their Relationship with Learning.4
8. Neurolinguistic Foundations of Learning.4

Block III: Neuroeducational Intervention in the Classroom: Knowing How to Teach to Enable Learning Through the Optimization of Cognitive Abilities.

9. Neurodidactics: Teaching from and for Neurodiversity.4
10. Neuroeducational Intervention: Designing Intervention Programs Based on Educational Neuroscience. 44
11. Neuroeducational Intervention Strategies: How the Teacher Becomes a Neuroeducator.4
12. Classroom Intervention Materials Based on Educational Neuroscience: Creation and Use for the Educational Classroom.4

Block VI: Practical Area

Master’s Final Project (TFM)6
  • Pedagogues
  • Psychopedagogues
  • Primary Education and Early Childhood Education Teachers
  • Secondary Education and Vocational Training Teachers
  • Higher Education Graduates and Higher Technicians in the Education Field
  • Psychologists
  • Neuropsychologists
  • Speech therapists

The Master’s in Neuroeducation: Practical Applications in the Classroom awards the iRG proprietary title, endorsed by the prestige of the institution itself.  

Proprietary Title

  • Focused on specialization
  • Complete your professional profile
  • Practical training

Block I: Educational Neuroscience for Education: Current Perspective on the Teaching-Learning Process

1. Fundamentals of Neuroscience Applied to Education: Discussing Educational Neuroscience.4
2. Cognitive Development and Learning: We Grow by Learning.4
3. The Learning Process for Neuroeducation.4
4. Neurodevelopment of Learning: How We Learn According to Our Age.4

Block II: Neurofunctionality and Learning: Understanding the Brain that Learns.

5. Executive Functions as Generators of Learning.4
6. Neuroplasticity: The Power of the Human Brain’s Adaptation.4
7. Affective Neuroscience: Neurocognitive Bases of Emotions and Their Relationship with Learning.4
8. Neurolinguistic Foundations of Learning.4

Block III: Neuroeducational Intervention in the Classroom: Knowing How to Teach to Enable Learning Through the Optimization of Cognitive Abilities.

9. Neurodidactics: Teaching from and for Neurodiversity.4
10. Neuroeducational Intervention: Designing Intervention Programs Based on Educational Neuroscience. 44
11. Neuroeducational Intervention Strategies: How the Teacher Becomes a Neuroeducator.4
12. Classroom Intervention Materials Based on Educational Neuroscience: Creation and Use for the Educational Classroom.4

Block VI: Practical Area

Master’s Final Project (TFM)6

Want to know more about the Master’s in Neuroeducation: Practical Applications in the Classroom?

Cátedra de Educación Dr. Fermín Carrillo
Duration: 12 months
Open enrollment

Teaching Staff

Raimon Gaja

Software Engineer

Dr. Raul Espert

Software Engineer

Ginette Muñoz

Software Engineer

iRG's Methodology for Success

iRG Benefits

Innovative Method
Learning Guarantee

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5 Strengths of iRG for Your Professional Development

Sistema pedagógico innovador

Nuestro sistema pedagógico está adaptado a las necesidades de los estudiantes y a las demandas del mundo actual.
En las clases se desarrollan acciones guiadas, aprendizaje cooperativo basado en la investigación y el trabajo en equipo, y aprendizaje individual. Por ello, utilizamos técnicas y metodologías educativas innovadoras, como la TBL, que mejoran el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y hacemos énfasis en el aprendizaje significativo y en la experimentación.
El objetivo es preparar a nuestros alumnos para que puedan enfrentar con éxito los retos que encontrarán en el ámbito profesional.