iRG in support of all those affected by the DANA (Isolated Depression of Air Masses) disaster.
Creating postgraduate psychology courses in Spain.
Hours of clinical psychological practice.
Years in the psychology education sector.
Why choose iRG
Official university masters
Quality guaranteed by experts
Students at Raimon Gaja Centers
Double title
Access to double degree
Meet iRG's founder and CEO

With the enthusiasm of the first day and surrounded by great professors, I lead the Raimon Gaja Institute (iRG), a postgraduate training center that leverages 40 years of professional experience to offer a new educational proposal that meets the real demands of today’s society.
Raimon Gaja
iRG Professors
Content of interest
Psicología y Bienestar: Un Camino de Empoderamiento con Yolanda Ríos
Psicología, Éxito y Trastornos Alimenticios: Charlamos con Julieta Vélez
El SECRETO del éxito en la Psicología y la Educación por Julio Abel Niño
Vocación y Herencia: La Psicología Académica con Angélica García Zapata
El Arte de Transformar Empresas y Vidas con Néstor Dionissio
Studying at iRG
Find all the information about studying abroad and resolve your doubts.
Modalities of study
Discover the study modalities that best suit your needs: HomeClass (Live Classes), Online, and In-Person.
Each option is designed to provide you with the flexibility and support you need. Click the following link to learn more about how our modalities can help you achieve your academic goals.
Find the perfect scholarship for you: Academic, Mobility, and Socioeconomic.
Our scholarships are designed to support you at every step of your academic journey. Discover how they can help you achieve your goals.
Expand your horizons with our international agreements in Latin America and Europe.
Explore the university entities we collaborate with and inquire about our agreements to take advantage of these valuable opportunities.
If you would like more information about your future studies at iRG, click here and contact us.
We are here to help you achieve your academic goals.
Training experiences with Raimon Gaja
Rogers Cabrera
Gabriela Cortés
Gino Gutiérrez
Reina Archila Leal
Deisy Ávila
Raymundo Calderón
Claudia Patricia Pineda
Magdiel Ruiseco

Discover the Testimonials of Former Students of Raimon Gaja
Training experiences with Raimon Gaja
Join thousands of students who have trusted Raimon Gaja’s training and achieved the professional success they desired.
El máster en psicología clínica y de la salud fue una base excelente para poder empezar a atender a las personas en consulta.

Raimon es un referente para mí en terapia de pareja. Aprendí mucho en sus clases.

De Raimon Gaja siempre me ha agradado su sentido del humor y siento una gran admiración por lo que representa y su aporte a la psicología.

Recuerdo especialmente una frase de Raimon Gaja: “El paciente siempre se va con deberes para casa”. Frase que han heredado mis alumnos y que he practicado y practico todavía hoy en día.

Yo no estuve sola en mis inicios, sino que tuve mucho apoyo de Raimon Gaja. Me ayudó a realizar prácticas en el Hospital de Bellvitge. En aquellos momentos había solo 3 unidades de TCA en toda España y yo tuve la suerte de poder estar allí.

Raimon Gaja ha sido un referente que me abrió las puertas a diversas experiencias laborales y siempre he podido contar con su apoyo y orientación a lo largo de mi trayectoria profesional.