Official Master’s Degree in Neuro-Speech Therapy

Cátedra de Logopedia Dr. Ismael Fuentes



Official Degree

Want to know more about the Official Master’s Degree in Neuro-Speech Therapy?
Duration: 12 months

Master's Programme Presentation

The Official Master’s Degree in Neuro-Speech Therapy from iRG comprehensively addresses crucial topics such as the neurology of speech, communication, language, and therapy in specialized areas like augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), dysphagia, swallowing, chewing, and orofacial myofunctional therapy. Through theoretical classes, practical sessions, and workshops, participants will gain advanced skills to assess and treat neurological speech and swallowing disorders, as well as implement innovative strategies in therapeutic intervention. Additionally, teamwork is encouraged, and theoretical knowledge is applied to real clinical cases.

Available Specialisations

Qualification obtained.

The Official Master’s Degree in Neuro-Speech Therapy awards the European degree from Universitá eCampus, which has over 30,000 members, as well as the proprietary degree from iRG, endorsed by the prestige of the institution itself.  

Official Degree

  • Aimed at Administration
  • Accredited by the EU
  • Theoretical Training


Proprietary Degree

  • Aimed at Specialization
  • Complete Your Professional Profile
  • Practical Training

Teaching Staff

Dr. Ismael Fuentes and his team have gathered a group of highly reputable professionals with over 10 years of experience in their field and who are currently active, prepared to train and guide students toward professional success.

“My team is composed of prominent professionals in Neurology and Speech Therapy, ensuring high-quality training.”

Academic Director

Psychologist Ginette Muñoz has over 15 years of experience in child, adolescent, adult, and family psychology, as well as more than 10 years of experience in postgraduate training at universities and high-level training centers.

“I encourage you to participate in this training project, where you will find a carefully selected teaching team, highly prepared to provide the tools you will need to apply in your professional reality.”

iRG's Methodology for Success

I. Area of Fundamentals and Clinical Semiotics

1. Neurophysiology of the Nervous System and Naso-Oro-Laryngeal System.3
2. Neurobiology of Learning and Language.3
3. Neurological Function and Examination.3
4. Neurofunctional Disorders.3
5. Speech Disorders.3
6. Voice Disorders.3
7. Neurodegenerative Disorders and Dementias.3

II. Area of Evaluation and Diagnosis

8. Language, Speech, and Communication Disorders.3
9. Reading and Writing Disorders.3
10. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Acquired Brain Injury.3
11. Dysphagia, Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis.3

III. Area of Rehabilitation and Intervention

12. Rehabilitation and Intervention in Pediatric Brain Injury.3
13. Rehabilitation and Intervention in Adult Brain Injury.3
14. Rehabilitación e intervención en la disfagia.3
15. Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems.3
16. Cutting-edge Technologies in Neuro-speech Therapy.3

IV. Practical Area

Master’s Final Project (TFM)6
  • Speech Therapists
  • Speech-Language Pathologists
  • Speech Therapists

The Official Master’s Degree in Neuro-Speech Therapy awards the European degree from Universitá eCampus, which has over 30,000 members, as well as the proprietary degree from iRG, endorsed by the prestige of the institution itself.  

Official Degree

  • Aimed at Administration
  • Accredited by the EU
  • Theoretical Training


Proprietary Degree

  • Aimed at Specialization
  • Complete Your Professional Profile
  • Practical Training

I. Area of Fundamentals and Clinical Semiotics

1. Neurophysiology of the Nervous System and Naso-Oro-Laryngeal System.3
2. Neurobiology of Learning and Language.3
3. Neurological Function and Examination.3
4. Neurofunctional Disorders.3
5. Speech Disorders.3
6. Voice Disorders.3
7. Neurodegenerative Disorders and Dementias.3

II. Area of Evaluation and Diagnosis

8. Language, Speech, and Communication Disorders.3
9. Reading and Writing Disorders.3
10. Evaluation and Diagnosis of Acquired Brain Injury.3
11. Dysphagia, Clinical Evaluation and Diagnosis.3

III. Area of Rehabilitation and Intervention

12. Rehabilitation and Intervention in Pediatric Brain Injury.3
13. Rehabilitation and Intervention in Adult Brain Injury.3
14. Rehabilitación e intervención en la disfagia.3
15. Alternative and Augmentative Communication Systems.3
16. Cutting-edge Technologies in Neuro-speech Therapy.3

IV. Practical Area

Master’s Final Project (TFM)6

Want to know more about the Official Master’s Degree in Neuro-Speech Therapy?

Cátedra de Logopedia Dr. Ismael Fuentes
Duration: 12 months
Open Call

Teaching Staff

Raimon Gaja

Software Engineer

Dr. Raul Espert

Software Engineer

Ginette Muñoz

Software Engineer

iRG's Methodology for Success

iRG Benefits

Innovative Method
Learning Guarantee

International Networking

5 Strengths of iRG for Your Professional Development

Sistema pedagógico innovador

Nuestro sistema pedagógico está adaptado a las necesidades de los estudiantes y a las demandas del mundo actual.
En las clases se desarrollan acciones guiadas, aprendizaje cooperativo basado en la investigación y el trabajo en equipo, y aprendizaje individual. Por ello, utilizamos técnicas y metodologías educativas innovadoras, como la TBL, que mejoran el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y hacemos énfasis en el aprendizaje significativo y en la experimentación.
El objetivo es preparar a nuestros alumnos para que puedan enfrentar con éxito los retos que encontrarán en el ámbito profesional.