Official University Master’s Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy.

Cátedra de Psicología Clínica Dr. Joan Deus



Official Degree

Want to know more about the Official University Master’s Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy.?
Duration: 12 months

Master's Programme Presentation

50% of the population may experience a sexual dysfunction throughout their life, and this affects not only the quality of life of the individual but also their partner and family environment. The Official University Master’s Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy focuses its training on the clinical intervention of various sexual dysfunctions, sexual disorders (such as paraphilic types, sex or pornography addiction), couple conflicts, and affirmative therapy for the LGBTQ+ community. The Master’s programme is a balanced combination of theoretical training and applied intervention for the specialisation of professionals and recent graduates.

Qualification obtained.

The Official University Master’s Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy awards the European degree from Universitá eCampus, which has more than 30,000 members, and the proprietary degree from iRG, endorsed by the prestige of the institution itself  

Official Degree.

  • Oriented towards administration.
  • Recognised by the EU.
  • Theoretical training.


Proprietary Degree.

  • Oriented towards specialisation.
  • Complete your professional profile.
  • Practical training.

Teaching Staff

Dr. Joan Deus and his team have brought together a group of highly regarded professionals, with more than 10 years of experience in the field they specialise in and currently active, prepared to train and guide students towards professional success.

“Como director de la Cátedra de Psicología Clínica, para mí es una premisa esencial que los miembros de mi facultad tengan una amplia experiencia clínica.”

Academic Director

The psychologist Ginette Muñoz, with more than 15 years of experience in child, adolescent, adult, and family psychology, also has a solid track record of over a decade teaching postgraduate training in academic institutions and high-level training centres.

“Te animo a participar en este proyecto formativo, donde encontrarás un equipo docente cuidadosamente seleccionado, altamente preparado para proporcionarte las herramientas que necesitarás aplicar rápidamente en tu práctica.”

iRG's Methodology for Success

1. Basic skills of the sex therapist and couples therapist3
2. Biological aspects of sexuality.3
3. Sexual dysfunctions I – II: Aetiology and assessment. Diagnosis and treatment.9
4. Intervention in sexual variants: paraphilias.3
5. Assisted reproduction programmes. The role of the psychologist.3
6. Couples Therapy: Aetiology, Assessment, and Intervention in Relationships, Jealousy, and Infidelity.9
7. Gender identity and transition. Integration of Affirmative Psychology into practice.3
8. Gender-based violence and sexual abuse.3
9. Intervention in traumatic breakup and emotional dependency.3
10. Clinical cases.3
Master’s Final Project (TFM)6
  • Psychologists.
  • Final-year undergraduate/degree students in Psychology with fewer than 30 ECTS credits remaining for obtaining the degree.

The Official University Master’s Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy awards the European degree from Universitá eCampus, which has more than 30,000 members, and the proprietary degree from iRG, endorsed by the prestige of the institution itself  

Official Degree.

  • Oriented towards administration.
  • Recognised by the EU.
  • Theoretical training.


Proprietary Degree.

  • Oriented towards specialisation.
  • Complete your professional profile.
  • Practical training.
1. Basic skills of the sex therapist and couples therapist3
2. Biological aspects of sexuality.3
3. Sexual dysfunctions I – II: Aetiology and assessment. Diagnosis and treatment.9
4. Intervention in sexual variants: paraphilias.3
5. Assisted reproduction programmes. The role of the psychologist.3
6. Couples Therapy: Aetiology, Assessment, and Intervention in Relationships, Jealousy, and Infidelity.9
7. Gender identity and transition. Integration of Affirmative Psychology into practice.3
8. Gender-based violence and sexual abuse.3
9. Intervention in traumatic breakup and emotional dependency.3
10. Clinical cases.3
Master’s Final Project (TFM)6

Want to know more about the Official University Master’s Degree in Clinical Sexology and Couples Therapy.?

Cátedra de Psicología Clínica Dr. Joan Deus
Duration: 12 months
Open call.

Teaching Staff

Raimon Gaja

Software Engineer

Dr. Raul Espert

Software Engineer

Ginette Muñoz

Software Engineer

iRG's Methodology for Success

iRG Benefits

Innovative Method
Learning Guarantee

International Networking

5 Strengths of iRG for Your Professional Development

Sistema pedagógico innovador

Nuestro sistema pedagógico está adaptado a las necesidades de los estudiantes y a las demandas del mundo actual.
En las clases se desarrollan acciones guiadas, aprendizaje cooperativo basado en la investigación y el trabajo en equipo, y aprendizaje individual. Por ello, utilizamos técnicas y metodologías educativas innovadoras, como la TBL, que mejoran el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y hacemos énfasis en el aprendizaje significativo y en la experimentación.
El objetivo es preparar a nuestros alumnos para que puedan enfrentar con éxito los retos que encontrarán en el ámbito profesional.